The monumental sculptures of Sophia Vari are coming @ SNFCC from 01/09 until 07/10. Try not to miss

Sophia Vari: Forms & Contradictions | 01/09/2018 - 07/10/2018 | SNFCC
After numerous exhibitions around the world, sculptor Sofia Vari, returns to her roots in Greece with the exhibition Forms and Contradictions. Sixteen monumental, black and white sculptures populate the Agora and converse with the SNFCC building and the Greek light.
The sixteen sculptures of the exhibition Forms and Contradictions, having been created within the last decade, constitute the most mature work of the artist. Vari sees herself as a sculptor that paints and makes collages, therefore her work evolves around matters of light and volume. It is in her sculptures that one can see the harmonious bridging of contradictions: heavy versus weightless, solid versus motion, light versus shadow and massive versus delicate.
The artist’s decision to make use of a strict black and white palette for this specific exhibition stems from her fascination with the Greek sunlight and the characteristics of the building. Confronted with a building of minimalist, verging on austere, proportions, Vari has composed volumes that communicate a sense of harmony—a strong but never dominating presence. In her own words: “The incorporation of my large-scale sculptures in the environment is paramount. I want them to look as if they have been there always.”
Biographical Note
Sophia Vari is a Greek artist who was born in Athens in 1940. She studied in England and France (École des Beaux-Arts, Paris in 1958), where she became acquainted with modern trends in sculpture, namely Cubism and Surrealism. Her work is an investigation of form and balance, strongly influenced by Mayan, Egyptian, Olmec, and Cycladic arts as well as Baroque aesthetics. Since 1976, she is married to the well-known Columbian artist Fernando Botero.
Apart from her bronze sculptures, Sophia Vari is also known for her collages and her oils and watercolors, which combine geometric lines and sensual curves. Her work has been exhibited internationally in numerous museums and galleries such as the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, the Palazzo Bricherassio in Torino, the Ludwig Museum in Kombletz, the Pera Museum in Istanbul, as well as the Piazza del Casino in Monte Carlo and the Temple of Confucius in Beijing, while she has had more than 100 personal exhibitions. Nowadays, she lives and works between Greece, Paris, Monaco and Pietrasanta. Vari’s monumental sculptures can be found in Paris, Rome, Monte-Carlo, Baden-Baden, Geneva, Pietrasanta, Madrid and Cartagena de Indias, in Colombia.
The artist would like to express her thanks to:
Yerasimos Yannopoulos
Magda Baltoyanni- Kallitsantsi
Dante Benedetti
Alexandro Maggi
Free admission.
Click here to see how to get there
01/09/2018 - 07/10/2018