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Science Fiction Exhibition: A Journey into the Unknown @ SGT until 14/01/2018 :)

Science Fiction: A Journey into the Unknown | 09/10/2017-14/01/2018 - Mon-Fri 16:00-21:00 Sat-Sun 12:00-22:00 - SGT

Two years on from the "Digital Revolution" exhibition, the OCC joins forces once again with London's Barbican Centre for a new show: "Science Fiction: A Journey into the Unknown", which explores science fiction's long-standing influence on the full range of contemporary culture. Get ready for a journey with science fiction as your guide: from the 19th century into the future and back to today and into the furthest reaches of the human mind.

From Jules Verne and Jonathan Swift to Star Wars and Ex Machina.

An exhibition that spotlights the long-standing influence of science fiction on the full range of contemporary culture. A genre that once addressed a small and specialized audience is now everywhere we look thanks to its impact on art, design, film and literature. Travel through iconic books and comics, movies and music in an exhibition that makes the unknown seem highly familiar...

Full price: 5 € presale — 7 € on the door Reduced price, Friends, Families 3+ members, Groups of 4 or more: 3 € presale / 4 € on the door Unemployed, People with Disabilities - Companion, Second visit (on presentation of your previous ticket): 2 € (only from the OCC box office) Free: Children up to 5, Third or additional visits (on presentation of your previous tickets


The Onassis Cultural Centre is organizing a series of events to accompany the "Science Fiction: A Journey into the Unknown" exhibition. The events are designed to acquaint us better with the full range of a genre which, for two centuries now, has been drifting between pop culture, mass production and more experimental perspectives. The subjects to be explored include: the concept of travelling to uncharted territories and fantastic places down the ages; the idea that science fiction can help us envision an alternative world or a desirable future; the links between contemporary art / new media and the sci-fi genre, and the type of socio-political messages they could convey together; the key figures who are currently pushing the boundaries of the genre and recharting its furthest reaches; and, finally, the passion with which the Greek sci-fi community, writers and fans alike, are imagining and defining the genre's future. DISCUSSIONS | Admission free The world of tomorrow I: The art of tomorrow 20 October | Athens School of Fine Arts | 19:00 | Held in English | The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. The worlds of science fiction and contemporary art have been intertwined since at least the 1960s, but recent years have witnessed a resurgence of artists (often in the field of new media) using the tools science fiction provides to send out powerful socio-political messages... In a world of "alternative facts", are art and fiction tools for moulding reality? Speakers: James Bridle (artist), Daphne Dragona (curator, Transmediale Festival), Giorgos Drivas (artist), Regine Debatty (art historian) Moderated by curator Thanasis Moutsopoulos Supported by the Athens School of Fine Arts Science fiction in Greek literature 30 October | Onassis Cultural Centre | Upper Stage | 19:00 | The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. How is science fiction defined and what does it have to offer the reader and society? What's its relationship with technology in the Greece of today and tomorrow? And since we're already living in a sci-fi present, how can we recognize the everyday mechanisms by which it's penetrating our reality and the unknown future ahead? Participating authors: Spyros Kintzios, Michalis Manolios, Kostas Charitos, Vaso Christou Moderated by Manolis Manolas. In collaboration with the Science Fiction Club of Athens Mythic journeys and fantastic wanderings 14 November | Onassis Library | 19:00 | Held in Spanish, with simultaneous translation | Reservation is required. For reservations, please contact (providing name, surname and mobile phone number) A discussion that allows us to become travelling companions on a tour around the darker corners of the Earth in the footsteps of Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs' heroes, exploring uncharted lands, mythical islands and fantastic places in search of ‘perfect’ societies, lost tribes and fabulous treasures... Speakers: Alberto Manguel (director, National Library of Argentina), Pedro Olalla (author) The world of tomorrow II: New images for tomorrow 20 November | Panteion University | Amphitheatre "Sakis Karagiorgas II" | 19:00 | Held in English | The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. The world of today seems to lack the vibrant images of desirable futures that was such a feature of the 20th century. How can we shape our visions of a world as we would like it to be, and does science fiction still have the power to transform the world we live in? Speakers: Steven Shaviro (science-fiction critic, author), Peter Frase (author), Giorgos Kallis (Professor of Political Ecology and Ecological Economics, Autonomous University of Barcelona) Moderated by Despoina Katapoti (Assistant Professor in the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean) A journey into the unknown: Artist talks 27 November | Onassis Cultural Centre | Upper Stage | 19:00 | Held in English Artists participating in the exhibition, present their work and discuss with the public. Participants: Larissa Sansour and Pierre-Jean Giloux Moderated by Kyriaki Goni (artist) Digital Nights: Science fiction and video games 2 December | Onassis Cultural Centre | 18:00 | The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. What sort of worlds do we get to experience through video games? What gaming genres are inspired by science fiction and incorporate sci-fi into their mechanics? How are the latest generation of games using virtual reality to immerse sci-fi fans still more completely in their alternative worlds? Speakers: Dimitris Trakas, Renia Papathanasiou, Christina Chrysanthopoulou Moderated by Prodromos Tsiavos, Thodoris Chiotis Science fiction and Comics: communicating vessels? 19 December | Athens Comics Library | 19:00 | Held in English | The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. Sci-fi has borrowed images and ideas from comics, but comics have also built out-of-this-world structures on foundations underpinned by core science fiction concepts. At first glance, the two genres would seem to have a lot in common. The popular British comic book writer, Peter Milligan, will be one of the participants in the discussion. The event will be chaired by Thomas Papadimitropoulos, the journalist and editor-in-chief of In collaboration with the Athens Comics Library. SCREENINGS Starting October 17 | Into the unknown and beyond How cinema learned to stop worrying and love science fiction Odeon Starcity (111 Syngrou Avenue, N. Kosmos - Athens) The OCC and are organizing a series of sci-fi screenings with movies ranging from the daring efforts of the early days of film to the cinema of the present day. Classic films which helped define 'sci-fi', restored prints of rarities receiving their first screening in Greece, forgotten masterpieces from around the work, and surprising shorts are to be shown in eight triple bills between October and December. A revelatory journey to places cinema got to long before reality caught up. LIVE CINEMA PERFORMANCE "CONTROL CENTER" 15 & 16 December | IFAC Athina (11 Galaxia St., Neos Kosmos) | Free admission, on a strictly first come first served basis. The distribution of entrance tickets begins one (1) hour before the event. A cinematic narrative which combines film production techniques which are usually applied out of the audience's sight with television broadcasting technologies which take place in real time. The viewer is transformed from a passive recipient into an eye-witness who is not only made privy to the tricks of the story-teller's trade, but also exposed to its innermost workings and processes. Performers: Stathis Tseberlidis (artistic creation) Panos Alexiadis (artistic creation, modular synthesizers) Stathis Chrisidis (artistic creation, audiovisual programming) Supported by the International Fine Arts Consortium Athina WORKSHOPS FOR ADULTS 8, 9, 10, 16 & 17 December | Sci-Fi Game Development Onassis Cultural Centre Co-ordinators: ViRA (Dimitris Trakas, Renia Papathanasiou, Christina Chrysanthopoulou) 13-14 January | Satellite Hunting Onassis Cultural Centre Interactive satellite communications laboratory Co-ordinator: Libre Space Foundation 25 November | HEBOCON Athens at the OCC Robot-sumo construction tournament for the technically ungifted, for ages 12-96 Co-ordinators: Costas Bissas, Kostas Sfikas EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN & TEENAGERS For teenagers aged 13-17 Wanna make a film? Cycle I: Planning a Sci-Fi movie | October—November 2017 Cycle II: Filming a Sci-Fi movie | November 2017—January 2018 Co-ordinators: Oliwia Twardowska, Konstantinos Antonopoulos For children aged 8-12 2, 3 & 4 January | A sci-fi story for 2018 The workshop is staged in association with Animasyros. Children & teenagers aged 10-14 27, 28 29 December | Odysseys on paper, travels in ink: The fantastic process of comic-creation Credit: Avraam Kaoua Children aged 6-18 October 2017—January 2018 | Educational programmes for schools Co-ordinator: Nikos Voyiatzis

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